Cultural Experiences

/Cultural Experiences
  • 書道

【FREE】Casual SHODO Experience

Try easy shodo ( Japanese calligraphy ) with a brush pen!
After some practice time, you will get to write the word on small shikishi ( Japanese card board) 
as a souvenir. 

Duration: about 15 min. – 30 min.
*No reservation (walk in 9 am to 7 pm at Ota City Tourist Information Center )

*Free of charge

*You may email […]

  • easykimonomad

【FREE】KIMONO Quick Try-on Activity  

Enjoy Kimono quick try-on!! A staff member will help you to put on a kimono. Pictures welcome.
Duration: about 15 min. – 30 min.
*No reservation ( walk in 9 am to 7 pm at Ota City Tourist Information Center)

*Free of charge

*In case tatami room is in use, we may ask you to wait or come again […]

【FREE】Origami Workshop

Origami is a Japanese paper craft which you can make various figures by folding square paper.

In our place you have a choice of  Crane, Kabuto (Samurai hat) and Rabbit.

*No reservation (walk in 9 am to 7 pm at Ota City Tourist Information Center )

This workshop is available with Japanese , English, Chinese, Korean upon request.